Collection Devices for Chlamydia / GC / Trichomonas by Nucleic Acid Amplification
Aptima Unisex Swab Specimens Collection Kit (White Label)

Endocervical specimen collected on Aptima Unisex Swab submitted in transport tube. NOTE: Prior to female endocervical specimen collection, excess mucus must be removed with white cleaning swab provided in unisex swab collection kit. Discard white cleaning swab.
Urethral swab collected on Aptima Unisex Swab submitted in transport tube. Discard white cleaning swab.
Aptima Urine Specimen Collection Kit (Yellow Label)

- The patient should not have urinated for at least one hour prior to specimen collection.
- Collect first 20 – 30 ml of voided urine (not midstream) in sterile, plastic preservative-free container. Minimum volume is 20ml. Maximum volume 60ml (NOTE: collection of larger volumes may result in dilution which may, in turn, reduce test sensitivity).
- Transfer approximately 2 ml of urine into the Aptima Urine Specimen transport tube using the disposable pipette provided. Ensure fluid level is between the black lines on the urine specimen transport tube label. Do not overfill or underfill (testing will not be performed if the urine fluid level is not in between the two black lines on the transport tube). Urine specimens must be transferred into the Aptima Urine Specimen transport tube within 24 hours of collection and before being tested.
NOTE: Neisseria gonorrhoeae and chlamydia by nucleic acid amplification and trichomonas vaginalis naa testing are performed on the same Aptima tube and urine replicates are not required. The unisex swab cannot be used for testing males for trichomonas vaginalis. Please submit the urine swab.
NOTE: If other urine tests are requested, they must be submitted in separate plastic containers according to their individual requirements.
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